Friday, January 25, 2013

Guild Wars 2 Sales Figures, Future Plans Revealed


ArenaNet has revealed that it has sold over 3 million copies of Guild Wars 2 to date.

The figure was revealed by game director Colin Johanson in a post on the MMO's website, though it wasn't revealed how many of these were boxed copies as opposed to digital downloads.

Johanson went on to explain the roadmap for the game in the coming months is set to focus on fostering the title's community and events, especially through storytelling. The team also want more open world events to occur that give players a reason to return to areas of the world they may otherwise avoid.

One of the ways they plan to go about this is by expanding the achievement system through adding new rewards alongside a token system. They remain committed to their original promise that the game wouldn't be built around an endless gear treadmill though, revealing we won't be seeing another tier between Ascended and Legendary loot in 2013. buy or sell GW2 items

Other planned additions include guild missions that your band of adventurers may have to complete within a set time period, paid server transfers for World vs World combat, and big developments on the PvP front.

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